Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seasoned and Beginner Investors
Last night, at our Women & Finance Book Club meeting, six of us met to discuss two books, "Pay it Down" and "Live Well on Less Than You Think." There are some pretty saavy ladies in our group and one member in particular offered a wealth of information that went beyond the credit and debt issues and shared with us information about buying stock, U.S. Treasury bonds and different types of insurance. For example, she told us that the most sage piece of advice she's gleaned was that buying insurance should be easy to understand. If an insurance agent is trying to sell you whole or universal life insurance (or any kind of insurance) and you're not sure what he or she is talking about, DON'T BUY IT! Term insurance seems to be the most reasonable investment for most people. A book I recommend is "The Insurance Maze: how you can save money on insurance and still get the coverage you need" by Kimberly Lankford.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 19 at the Florence Branch Library. We will read the book "Rule #1: the simple strategy for successful investing in only 15 minutes a week!" by Phil Town. Reserve a copy online or at any Omaha Public Library and join us.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Breakfast With Santa
Several hundred children and parents attended Breakfast With Santa, a holiday family event at Florence Branch on December 5. The kids made christmas wreaths, and clever little birdfeeders made from pine cones, crisco, and bird seed. Donuts and beverages were another highlight and Santa was the biggest hit of all! The Florence Branch and the Recreation Center collaborated and co-hosted the event.
Dashing Thru The Snow
Well, maybe not dashing but trudging rather. Blizzard-like conditions over the past two days meant trudging through the snow to get anywhere -- if you were brave enough to go out. If you headed to the library you found the doors locked because all locations were closed for two days. My Publisher computer class on Tuesday evening was therefore cancelled. Watch for the class to be rescheduled.