Monday, November 23, 2009

The Holidays are Here
On a tight budget? Learn to make charming holiday cards on Publisher that will delight your friends and family. Register for a Microsoft Publisher Basics class scheduled for Dec. 3 at Omaha Public Library's Florence Branch. The cards are so easy to make. And Publisher is loaded with greeting card templates that you can customize with your own designs.  You can make cards for Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, New Year's, or any celebration you can imagine. Print them at your local print shop, on your home printer, or, if you're printing a small quantity on white paper, you can even print them at the library. Click HERE to register for the class.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Women and Money, Money, Money

THANK YOU to all who were able to attend last night’s discussion, our second meeting, which went even better than I had anticipated. With nine of you in attendance, we discussed Suze Orman’s Women & Money: owning the power to control your destiny and a couple of other books from our reading list, including Jean Chatzky’s Pay it Down: from debt to wealth on $10 a day. Some of you are interested in becoming better at budgeting. Others of you are interested in learning more about how to set up trusts and the proper way to create a will and other important legal documents. Still others are interested in learning more about saving money, managing stocks, and investing wisely for the future. I am thrilled with the participation and the enthusiasm I witnessed last night. And thank you to Lora Mae Frecks for bringing the fabulous poppy seed cake, it was delicious!

READ ABOUT MONEY: One thing Suze Orman suggests women do to develop their money “acumen” is read money and finance related literature. Just once a month, she suggests, pick up a magazine (eg: Money, Newsweek, Kiplinger’s) or a newspaper (eg: The Wall Street Journal) and read any article that piques your interest. These periodicals and others are available at any Omaha Public Library, and you can actually check out the magazines and take them home for two weeks at a time.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Next month’s meeting is DECEMBER 15, 6:30 P.M. at Omaha Public Library's Florence Branch, 2920 Bondesson St. (Call 402-444-5299) Our meetings will last no longer than an hour, though you’re free to hang around until we close at 8 p.m. We’ll discuss one or both of these books, the choice is yours: Pay it Down: from debt to wealth on $10 a day by Jean Chatzky, and Live Well on Less Than You Think: guide to achieving your financial success by Fred Brock. Both books are available at OPL, reserve a copy now by calling 444-5299 or visit the online catalog at

Here's an updated BOOKLIST.